

let go
I tried so hard, but it wasn't enough
The road was long, the journey tough
I gave my all, my heart, my soul
But in the end, I had to let go

I wanted to succeed, to reach my dreams
But life is never quite what it seems
I fought and struggled with all my might
But darkness consumed my inner light

I saw no path, no way ahead
All I felt was pain and dread
So I surrendered to defeat
And lay down at my own feet

I gave up on the battle, on the fight
I let go of hope, of shining light
My heart is heavy, my spirit broken
I'm lost in a world where words are unspoken

So here I stand, with tears in my eyes
Saying goodbye to the endless skies
I bow my head and accept my fate
For giving up is all that's left to create.

Goodbye, my dreams, my hopes, my fears
I surrender to the flood of tears
I let go of what could have been
And embrace the darkness within.

For giving up is not a sign of weakness
But a surrender to life's cruel bleakness
I may have lost the battle, but I am still alive
And that, my friends, is where I will strive.
© w.Castleman