

A Mother's Life.
A mother's life, a journey true,
Filled with love, and sacrifice too.
Her heart, a wellspring of endless care,
Guiding us through life's joys and despair.

In her embrace, we find solace sweet,
Her gentle touch, a love complete.
She's our rock, our shelter, our guiding light,
Through every storm, she holds us tight.

Her laughter echoes, like a soothing song,
Her wisdom guides us, when things go wrong.
Her smile, a beacon of hope and cheer,
In her presence, there's nothing to fear.

Her love, a flame that forever burns,
In her arms, our hearts always yearn.
For a mother's love, pure and divine,
A treasure we hold, an eternal sign.

So let's cherish our mothers, every day,
For their love and strength, in every way.
In their embrace, we find peace and grace,
A mother's love, a gift we embrace.

#poembydeep #deep_widin #deepz_talk
#mother #motherslove

© deep_widin