

My Type of Lady
The first thing you'd notice is her blue hazel eyes
So big and sparkly that it can bolster up affections towards her
Her dark curved brows and lengthy eye lashes sets her apart
Her smooth upturned button nose is an additive to her beauty
Her fair attractive smooth skin is something that gives people what to bore their eyes into
You'd get goose pimples anytime she touches you
She's got a little pale pink lips, which makes her dazzling
And when she passes by, everyone keeps their head up
Because she's so attractive even without wearing any makeup
Along with her gleaming white teeth anytime you see her smiling
Where's she from? I don't know, she's part of my gleaning

She walked pass me and looked at me
I winked at her and she smirked at me
I turned to take a glance at her, she also glanced at me
Which tells me she'd also noticed me
Her long, dark, curly lustrous hair is a glimpse of her beauty
She's basking in the love of people around her
Yet there's this enigmatic look in her blue hazel eyes anytime she sees me
Her little velvety angelic voice is pleasant to my ear anytime she speaks
Her diamond necklace and earrings are glistening, with her perfect jaw and cheeks

I saw her again wearing a white, short satin dress
I wore white clothes too, which left me impressed
I asked about her name, but nobody knew her name
I looked at her and our eyes met
Right there I felt like my whole body's about to melt
Everything was in slow motion as she walked towards me
I asked myself what would a guy like me got to do with this gorgeous dame
I was standing alone when she came
She smiled, tucked her hair behind her ear and called my name
Then I felt like the whole world stopped and nothing still feels the same.

© Ibrahim Zakama