

Transformation Through Tears
I have been through way too much,
Experiencing things with a dark touch,
Losing the connection with my heart,
Inevitably led me to simply fall apart.
Leaving me in a state of confusion,
Caused nothing but inner collision.
The situations left a strong impression,
Introducing a new wave of depression.
Preventing me from seeking a solution,
Ending up developing such aggression.
Lost my mind trying to figure it out,
Wondering how it all would turn out.
The countless storms came my way,
Just to teach me how to stay away,
In the face of adversity, grow stronger,
Create a resilient figure as of a soldier.
The tears building up to a new stranger,
Reborn as someone emotionally colder.
A main character who is relatively bolder,
Defeating the challenges now as a loner.

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