

calm your mind they say
your body aching head to feet
they feed you food that are banned in many countries
while the dye they put it food to make it look more appealing
causes you to toss in your sleep
they say 8 ounce glasses of water
8 times a day
your head still pounds from dehydration
cause whats causing death
is dead water
if only you could see
they say its organic but lay them in soil
filled with heavy metals like mercury
while forcing meth down children's throats
that are smarter than the adults that's saying they have problems
when the problem is them
don't you see?
crystalized our third eye
they just make us simple minded
floriude in our tap water
while we can't tap into
our subconscious mind
while we don't even know our families
work us to death
god forbid you get hurt
doctors prescribe illict drugs
next your on crystal meth with no teeth
then your the problem
homeless on their dirty streets
say you cant use the bathroom
make you shit in places
you used to sit and rest your tired feet
god forbid you get caught in your sleep
they throw you in jail
say your damned to burn in hell
you ain't no human if you choose to self medicate
while they house you in half ways
that have more drugs then half of the state
but it's not a disease
while the fentanyl decays your extremadies
hope your dead so they can farm our organs to rich people
who drink til they need livers
while drive drunk and kill our children
But socially it's okay to drink?