

She is a Woman
She is a woman with million dreams.
She is strong and beautiful inside and out.
In this stage of life, she plays different roles.
A mother, a daughter, a wife, a sister, or a friend.
She works to make your life a perfect blend.
A woman empowered with education,
Can enlighten the entire nation.
A mother can nurture a child with perfection.
A daughter can support a family with affection.
I want an answer to my questions,
A soul that is divinely obsessed
Is why so badly harassed?
A heart that easily melts,
Is why slapped with belts?
Why does she suffer acid attacks?
Why is she molested and raped?
Is it all written in her fate?
Oh, man! Listen! She is not born to be raped.
Remember! She is the one who brought you here
She supportively stands on your side,
Then why is she deprived of her rights?
If you let her fly, she can touch the skies.
With her wing parallel to the horizon,
She can move towards the infinite.
Let her dream, create, and gleam.
Respect a woman, and support her voice.
Let her live a life of her choice.