

Winter nights
In the stillness of a winter night,

When Luna casts her radiant light,

The world adorned in a gown of frost,

A tapestry where dreams are lost.

The air so crisp, a chilling song,

Whispers of secrets all night long,

Beneath a sky strewn with diamond gleams,

A symphony of silence, it seems.

The trees stand tall, their branches bare,

As if in mourning, yet, they wear

A mystic cloak, silver and white,

Embracing solitude, the silent plight.

The stars ignite, like guiding beacons,

Their gentle glow, a celestial reunion,

They dance and shimmer in the cold,

A celestial story yet untold.

And through the hush, a distant bell,

Tolls for stories that history will tell,

Of families gathered, fireside bright,

Cozied warmth on this winter night.

But beyond these walls, where hearts unite,

The lonely souls, wanderers of the night,

They seek solace in the tranquil air,

Their burdens carried, with a silent prayer.

Oh, winter night, your magic weaves,

A tapestry of hopes and dreams,

In the soft embrace of your icy embrace,

We find beauty, solace, and grace.

So, let us linger in this frozen embrace,

An enchantment that time cannot erase,

For in the hallowed depths of this wintry sight,

Our souls find solace on a winter night.
© Subhadarshi Hotta