

We ain't stopping
Just as a car in pursuit stops at no speed
So does a farmer sows his seeds
We ain't stopping,no relapses
Man's gotta surge foward,
Doing this till our maker calls us to rest
Let's continue to test and pour out very best
Lions stop at nothing in nabbing their prey
I see people in the streets mincing the power of our words
Students learning and diving in depths of our works
Kudos to all scribblers on this magnificent platform
Indebted gratitude to team poetizer for creating such an industrious avenue
The world is hears us,
What we do will be written in the good books
Dexterity smiles at us,
The elites are proud that their poetic sons and daughters still pursues their legacy
In this lifetime and the one to come,
We'd be awarded as the eminent and proficient figures of our generation
© #maker_rules