

It‘s in my head
It‘s in the dead of night
When I get lost inside my mind
When I feel all alone
And my good qualities are hard to find

It‘s in the darkness
Where I walk towards no end
Where I break down
And there is no need for playing pretend

It‘s in the silence
That I can hear my own screams
That I lose my fight
And where I give up on my silly dreams

It‘s in the desperation
When I realize that I‘m stuck
When I‘m captured
And I‘ve run out of any kind of luck

It‘s in the shadows
Where I keep going the wrong way
Where I can‘t breath
And I‘m patiently waiting for the light of day

It‘s in my head
That I‘m slowly going insane
That I curse myself
And every night I‘m dragged back here again…

© BellaWritingHere