

you see that boy that where's baggy clothes all the time

the one you make fun of

the one you fat shame

the one you commit on his food intake


haven't you noticed that he doesn't eat anymore

haven't you noticed that when he does eat goes to the bathroom afterwards

haven't you noticed the scabs on his knuckles

haven't you noticed his puffy cheeks

haven't you noticed his teary eyes

haven't you noticed something has changed


he where's baggy clothes because he is ashamed of his body

he has scabs on his knuckles because he bites down on them so hard just to purge all his food

he has puffy and teary eyes due to the fact he won't keep his food down

he is so scared of becoming "fat" that the moment he gains one pound he has a panic attack

he hates himself

he has become hyper focused on his looks and weight
to the point he has lost himself
and all of this stems from your bullying

© anonymous_anonymously