

Million meaning for love in this world,
I have only one that is "Dad",
Real hero in my real life,
He is the king for his Kingdom,

Sun rises everyday but -
My sun stolen his beam from my life,
Star in the sky glitters every night but-
My Star slowly fade away....
He is the summer of my life once but- now he is the winter of my life....

Flowers in the garden are blossom -
in spring ,
But, my flowers are not blossom,
Birds are chattering everywhere -
but I hear cry of the owls,
Satanic dark circle in the clouds,
Winds which makes storm,

Dark everywhere everywhere -
but I am still searching for light,
Prometheus stolen fire from God's -
but my fire is stolen by God.
Longing for his love in the earth,
but now he is in heaven.....