

learning to be....just learning me.....
living with doubt most dream to never live with.....now....what heads turn with anger.....which turn to clout...
blow of the mundane with many ideals of the insane....the pill will keep you sane....

it's upside down....right-side whoops...laughstock of the humanity.....when all minds are locked......

what does this mean where do you grab from....pull towards....reach up and leave for yours....
it's like they notice when it gets bad before the comeback and run away....always missing the true story......I'm here to stay...to say I've lost my way seems a bit uncertain......but trickled upon the stone is blood spilt from the wound.....it seems dry to touch....because the wounds self thrust.... and eye open with no choice but to watch.....

what does your heart say....go forth and give into the uncertain....breach the enemy line, live your life.... don't look back for that's when you fall backwards...flip out from the every day norm....be yourself......be who you need to be to feel that life again....it's inside.....just gotta wake up and smell the roses.....
© silentOne