

My little angel
You know dear your mom is so sensitive about you...
She cares for and she is always afraid if you get hurt....
She always thinks if she is gone then what will you do? Will you be alone or will you become more stronger?
Dear, this life is so beautiful... Always judge the world by your experinces... Never prejudge people on others opinion...
If you feel lonely then call a person whom you like... if he is busy then be a person for yourself... Yes, I will always with you... If you remember me then read my letters... Your mom will never leave you... She will be left only when she dies... But she will make sure that you will become tough... Ready to face the world... If you fail at some phases just remember life is always about success and failures.... Its on you how you take it... Accept failures and challenge again.. Don't quit till you get.... But during this journey your happiness is more important... Feel all the emotions but Happiness should be your goal... And if you achieve that goal the trust me I will be the happiest soul!❤️