

A Fruitless Dedication

On a hazy day,
She sits behind the foggy window,
with hopes that the rain would come,
Waiting for a confirmation that the storm will be gone.

On a sunny day,
Under the hot circle of yellow,
She basks in its warming heat,
Praying that a cold heart would feel warmth

On a cold day
She lets lose, bathing in the familiar feeling
The one she had grown to know
Embracing the numbness it gives and what it takes away

On a day she hopes to forget,
That lonely feeling creeps in,
mocking all her efforts and
leaving her with a heart, dancing to a sad song

Feeling like a fool as she thinks,
the dedication of energy and time
proved to be extremely futile.
Blood, sweat and tears dried away
into nothingness.

Without complaint she dived deep into the red sea,
letting it wash her away from herself,
She withered, dissipating slowly
just to water and grow another,
Emptying herself wholeheartedly
to fill another to the brim.

What next?

She faded,
She lost,
without feeling even a bit of,
everything she had rendered unconditionally.

To her, love was all about,
giving and giving till the end,
So she remained oblivious to
the bitter truth of reciprocation.

And she BURNED...
© Catherine