

To the girl I used to be

Dear Me
Life is hard and being 15 is the worst you’ll go though
I know the path ahead of you is blurred by your tears
But there’s something you should know
Tears shall dry, the dark clouds will disappear and the sun light shall touch you
I know the stars have gone from your eyes
But you’ll look up one day and notice how beautiful they are

I know the space in your mind is gloomy
I feel your fears and taste the blood you desperately use to wipe the away the shame
I see the wounds you desperately try to cover up
And I know you cry yourself to bed at night
But there’s something you should know
Dawn’s just around the corner, just hang on for a little longer

I know no one has told you this but
You should know that there’s no shame in breaking down
I don’t mean to embarrass you
But none of what’s happening is your fault
Your wounds will heal but your scars will remain
Don’t you worry they are beautiful, embrace them

There’s something you should know
Do not trust your mirror reflection
You’re beautiful and worth more than gold
I know you’re in pain and it’s too much to bear right now
But trust me it will all be worth it in the end
Just hang tight my dear

I know I said hang in there
But you see no help and you’re so alone
I apologize I can’t comfort you right now
But I promise you, the pain that’s chocking you right now
Will all be gone and you’ll draw strength from it
You will be stronger and braver to face life after

The ocean created by your tears right now
I know you’d rather drown in
But you should know this
Love will conquer that ocean one day
When that day comes you’ll understand
That ocean built a better you

Dear me, the girl I used to be
I apologize for what you have to go through
But hang in there, I promise you
The dawns just began and hope’s waiting for you
Look up my dear, let the stars in your eyes shine
You will be fine, trust me this I know

#Dear me part 1
#Dawn is just around the corner

© JLSK9132