

Her Life " part 4"
I was as in a dramatic movie..
I walked in the streets and it was raining ...
and in the end my aunt found me and went with her ...
I complain to her about the distress and hatred for my life that is useless..

When your stick is broken,
everyone tries to grin about its fangs ...
even if it is From your relatives..

I used to see looks of arrogance in their eyes.
.and every one of them is trying to control us..
and the strongest is the one who controls us ...

this is what made us rebellious ...
especially my younger sister ...
no one stands before her..
do not be silent to anyone no Rightly or wrongly ...

This is how you want life ..
You want the rebel,
the strong and the tongue-tied ..
Other than that,
even the people closest to you will be trampled on you.
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