

A Glimpse of Forever in Her Eyes
In a world where time gently flows,
I met a soul, as pure as the morning rose.
Her innocence, a gentle breeze,
Her beauty, a sight that puts my heart at ease.

Her eyes, twin stars in the night,
Capture my heart in their radiant light.
Her presence, a melody, sweet and bright,
Turns the mundane into pure delight.

Each question she asks, with innocence rare,
Paints a smile upon my soul, light as air.
I seek not to bind her, nor call her mine,
But wish for time to pause, and the stars align.

For in those moments, when she's near,
Eternity whispers, and all is clear.
I long to gaze upon her face,
And dwell forever in that sacred space.
© Mohtasham Usmani