

The Heart’s Principles
The next time I find myself in love,
It would be for the sake of none other than the One above.
I was wrong to believe in loving for selfish reasons.
To let my concept of love change like the seasons.

What I strived for before was most pure.
Indeed for the souls involved, it would’ve been a cure.
I let my guard down and slipped up.
Flooded with selfish desires, my heart’s cup.

Landing on my face indeed taught me,
The existence of long paths to tread before I find my glee.
I’ve yet to morph into something worth loving.
With my heart’s yearning for company it was wrong to have been so forthcoming.

The heart is a mysterious thing.
To those emotions it would so stubbornly cling.
Yet after falling on its face, it readily discards.
To all those once precious emotions it pays no regards.

I understand this mechanism is here for our own good.
For if the heart never let go, how on earth would anyone have ever stood.
© wolf’s cub