

Future Self: One Foot Infront of The Other
I’ve always thought of myself as very strong, tunnel vision even-- and my education-- the one thing no one can take away. life throws curve balls at you, the unimaginable happens, and that flame that one’s ignites. extinguished. None of these things should deter you from your dreams. One foot in front of the other.
Frustration, loss of motivation, and lost of dreams you once held so close; so, determine to achieve will be plucked from your bosom. But you’re strong, stronger than you imagine. No matter how bad it gets, put one foot in front of the other, never stop because that’s when it becomes the hardest.
My academic goals have always been the same, to achieve my doctorate. My path, however, has changed. Life experiences and getting to know myself has reshaped my vision of what’s possible and how it fits into my purpose. This is what's brought me here, another birthday and frustration that my current role no longer fulfills. It’s like my belly is full but, I’m still hungry! The politics of today’s society has polluted everything! there is no purity, no truth, no empathy, no understanding.. just political correctness. If you feel you don’t fit in this world, then continue searching with a simple goal, to be the best person to most people as you possibly can, in all you ways you can for as long as you can, with one foot in front of the other.

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