

Nostalgia, Baby
little laughs and little feet
pitter patter to the beat
of happy days and sleepy nights
ceiling stars and car night lights

hush my little sleepy head
let me listen to your sleepy breath
I'll sing you to sleep, I'll linger here
trust me darling, you've nothing to fear

sunny days drive mommy insane
outside all day we have to remain
every day you grow faster and faster
as I try to keep up you bellow in laughter

it's a game to you "chase me mommy!"
and you giggle as I tickle your little body
covered in sticky hands and sticky kisses
staying up late to do the dishes

it's lonely being both mommy and daddy
but I don't mind as long as you're happy
sweeping fishy crackers off the floor
you're scared of the dark so I crack the door

I'll keep a close eye on the budget
diapers and wipes are the draining culprit
we may be poor, I hope you don't care
I promise wherever you are, I will be there

I will never miss

little laughs and little feet
pitter patter to the beat
of happy days and sleepy nights
ceiling stars and car night lights

-author’s note: I wrote this nearly 7 year
years ago during a tremendously dark and difficult time in my life. while I have written many poems since and my style has grown and evolved, I choose to share this with you first because it was the first poem I wrote which was truly rooted in emotions I felt actively. I hope it speaks to someone else about the value of marrying sacrifice and love together.

© WanderlustFox