

I'm afraid because when I give my heart, I give it all.

I'm afraid because when I fall, I fall really hard.

I'm afraid because of my past experiences. I know I'm strong enough because I dealt with a lot, but sometimes I wish it was easier said, that it is to be done.

I'm afraid if I say it first you may not feel it when I do. I'm positive you'll feel it to, but I'm afraid if I said it earlier than I should I won't give you enough time to feel it to. Also afraid if I said it too late, that I will be long overdue. It may sound silly babe, but it is the truth.

I'm afraid but I feel so alive when I'm with you. I feel like I can fly every second I kiss you. Every stare as I gazed upon your eyes and you look into mine. I am Star struck each and every time. So, I no longer wish to keep it in because my heart tells me it is with you.
Afraid is part of being alive. Afraid is good. The best part of it all is that it came when I least expected. We were suppose to be just friends, yet somehow the universe had shifted. It had other plans that even you and I couldn't have possibly predicted.

Now I know and I also see. So I won't hold back anymore and I will just say it straight. Let it be. What I was afraid to tell you my love, is that I'm in love with you. Even if it's only been a few short weeks, over 504 hours of sunsets and sun downs, plus 2 and a half days, and I’m pretty sure I have miscalculated in someway. What I'm trying to say is that, I L.O.V.E. you and I hope someday, if not today, that you feel the same. I am yours forever babe. If you want me, I will gladly stay..

© Johnny Cigars