

Feelings : We Share
In the depths of my heart, emotions soar,
A symphony of feelings I can't ignore.
Like petals, delicate and so fine,
They dance on the wind, a magical sign.

Joy surges through my veins, a bubbling spring,
Laughter embraces me, like a song to sing.
With every beat, my heart skips a beat,
For happiness is a melody, so sweet.

Yet alongside these bursts of sheer delight,
There lies an ache that cuts through the night.
A melancholy whisper, a deep-seated pain,
That weaves through my soul like an endless chain.

A twist of sorrow, grief profound,
Tears like raindrops falling down.
An ache, a void, a darker hue,
Feelings that remind me I'm human too.

But amidst the tangle of joy and despair,
I find solace in the knowledge I bear.
For within every feeling, there lies the truth,
That life's beauty is born from this emotional sleuth.

So I'll embrace each twist and each turn,
For it is through feelings that I yearn.
To touch the sublime and taste the divine,
In this rollercoaster ride, this grand design.

For feelings, my dear, are what make us whole,
Connecting us deeply, to the depths of our soul.
In every beautiful sentiment that we share,
We find the essence of humanity, so rare.

#feelingspoem #Feelings #deep_widin #deepz_talk #poembydeep

© deep_widin