

Their Truth
"Their Truth?"

This day has come not just in the church, but in our society as a whole.

In which People don't want to hear the truth of a matter.

I am not just talking about theology.

I am referring to both the world and the church.

People in general don't want to know the truth.

The want to know "their truth"

A truth that fits into their own self delusions of how they want things to be.

Even if such reality does not exist !

Another words, never mind the facts, the history, the circumstances , the situation or the evidence.

People literally want to tell themselves what makes them feel good.

Even if there isn't an ounce of truth to it.

As long as it doesn't hurt their feelings and makes them feel better.

This is horrible in itself, but these misguided fools have also become agents for Satan.

It isn't enough for them to believe their own lies and distortions.

These fools are driven like an evil twisted sick evangelist of hate.

These misguided fools will do everything they can to destroy the truth and every evidence of the truth.

They do their best to harm, destroy and kill those of us who believe the truth.
Why is such evil and deception happenings in our World ?

Simply, because my friend

We are truly living in the last days of the grace of God before His coming.

R. M. Ragnanese
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