

life journey

A twisted road,
A rebellious journey,
A challenging code,
Towards life's tourney
full of obstacles,
full of choices,
Think twice to choose any path,
be strong, face obstacles with a smile 😊
Do best in whatever path in life
Do not be regretful on your mistakes, try to mend in future.
failures are part of life, learn from it!
you might feel down, you might feel depressed
But try to getup again and again in life!
your life journey will be full of happiness and sadness.
Be strong mentally to face any situation in life.
make your weakness, your strength.
Be sure to thank people who are with you in hard and happy times of life
be sure to live every moment of life
Be always with loved ones, be their strength
Donot compare yourself with others,
everyone has their own different life path designed by them.
Instead of admiring others life,
make your life with hard work,so that others learn from you!
Attitude is everything,
see everything in life with positive attitude and thinking,
negative attitude can destroy your relationships.
some people might hate you,
But be good with them, there hate will turn into love towards you by themselves!
making friends is easy,
but always be with friends in their kith and kin of life.

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