

in every life
In every life, my love for you will bloom,
Through endless cycles, past this earthly room.
In every lifetime, my heart will find,
The soul of yours, so loving and so kind.

In ancient times, when empires rose and fell,
I'd seek you out, in castles, hear your spell.
In every era, through the ebb and flow,
My love for you, like rivers, it will grow.

In distant futures, among the stars so bright,
I'll find you there, my guiding cosmic light.
Through galaxies and realms that lie ahead,
My love for you will never, ever fade.

In every form, in every shape and guise,
I'll recognize the spark within your eyes.
In every life, through joy and through strife,
I'll love you, my darling, for all of our lives.

So take my hand, my love, and do not fear,
For in each lifetime, I'll hold you near.
Our love transcends the bounds of space and time,
Forever and always, you'll be forever mine.
© c.wright