

Whisper of the wood
Amidst the forest's fragrant floor, they stand so tall,
Majestic sentinels, evergreen and verdant wall.
With emerald leaves and boughs that gently sway,
They paint a picture, where we love to stay.

In orchards lush, they bear their fruits so sweet,
Apples, pears, and peaches, a delectable treat.
Their branches, heavy with nature's grand design,
In the golden orchard, they gracefully entwine.

Beneath their shade, a cool and calming space,
A refuge from the sun's relentless embrace.
Their verdant canopies, like nature's tender brush,
An artist's touch, where every heart finds hush.

Their roots, like ancient fingers, delve deep below,
Anchored in the earth where life's secrets grow.
In the whispering woods, their wisdom sings,
A symphony of life, on nature's delicate strings.

So let us guard these giants, both near and far,
For they're the guardians of Earth, our guiding star.
In their branches and leaves, our hope does gleam,
A world of wonder, in the forest's dream.
© Karma