

Stucked in between !
My past often screams at night to forgive it :
to forgive it for making some blunt decisions ,
to forgive it for ruining certain brights years ahead ,
to forgive it for not showing the right path precisely ,
to forgive it as now a new life can't be started from that initial scratch ,
all is now I have to live in my present ,
accepting all my blunders .

My past often weeps to forgive it
today I want my past to please forgive me ,
to forgive me for not making you realise the ultimate truths of life ,
to forgive me for not allowing you to tolerate ups and downs patiently ,
to forgive me for my blurred wisdom .

Somewhere my present and past both are fighting in between ,
not pointing each other's mistakes but apologizing for their own mistakes and I am smiling silently on my innocence , stupidity and serenity as I am able to look at myself from that window where I can stand in between and can separately gaze my past and present as some another person watching a show .

© meltedwords