

My Screen
The bluish glow of my screen make my eyes water,
As lives fly by in endless flow, each more better than the last like yellow butter,
Promising excitement if I had been there, filling me with regret that I had not.

The bluish glow of my screen kills my eyes, infecting my mind,
With poison too sweet I say it helps me unwind.

I can't stop. How else would I know Taylor Swift is Travis Kelce's new lady?

I won't stop. How else would I know that Henry Cavill is having a baby?

It's my drug, to make me laugh when life makes me cry, to give me purpose when I watch others that have none.
The poison of my screen spreads but I love it. The numbing high, the passage of time,
Seeping further into my core, pushing me deeper into my bed, molding my form against my sweetheart pillow.

I haven't moved in days but why should I when I've been all over the world through my little blue screen.
Behind it I feel safe. Seen even though it's through a mask, heard even though it's hate and crass.

My bluish screen soften my screams.
My bluish screen hollows out my dreams.
My bluish screen gives me memes.
My bluish screen will devour until there's nothing left of me to be seen.
And in that moment I would feel so alive.

© 0506girly