

The fate of my Happiness
Closing my eyes, Thinking of what I should decide on, My reflection telling me to not have this baby, My family becoming my worse enemy, My family forbiding me to be with my lover, My world crumbling all around into sand, Voices telling me look what is inside my heart, A man's hand reaches out for me whiling I am drowning in my tears, How am I to decide? No matter what I choose my fate will change, It feels like choosing the right wire to stop a bombing, I feel as though my mind will rip apart after thinking all these thoughts, As I am about to make a decision, Another voice says, Follow your heart, Go to the one you love, choose the arrow pointing to your happiness, Feeling my belly, Thinking of him, Thinking of this child, It is clear on my heart's desire, I want this child and man, I want to give all my love towards both, The ones that raised me have went down a different path from me. I am going down my path to happiness.