

What is it? From the rocking cradle,
To the heart weeping on death bed....
It is indeed a magnificent oracle,
That distinguish the living from dead!

It is what's life's instinct,
Somethings we want to live forever for.
Makes all our lives distinct,
As only dreams stay forever or more.

It can take birth with you,
A twin who stays beside
Or may bloom in the journey too,
As a friend who never lied..

The uniqueness is often from brood
As will the desert dream green grass,
The weak beg for a jog
Or the forests hate the fire...

It may reside long afar
Thorns may pull on a frown,
But let them not create a scar
And should never let you down.

But in the journey of jubilance,
May pull out a mar or a maze
Ones who take a leap of faith...
May find the plethora of Grace!