

Will You Love Me When I'm Old?
Will you love me when I'm old and my hair is stained with gray?
Or will your love for me fade away?
Will you stay by my side?
Or will you run off in search of a new bride?

Will you still find me beautiful and kind?
Or will you only see the wrinkles on my mind?
Will you cherish the memories we've shared?
Or will you forget them as if they were never there?

Will you laugh with me and share my joy?
Or will you ignore me like an old, broken toy?
Will you be proud of the life we've lived?
Or will you have regret for the love we've given?

Will you love me when I'm slow,
When my steps are small and low?

Will you love me when I'm weak,
When my voice is barely a squeak?
When I can no longer walk or run,
Will you stay beside me, until we're done?

Will you listen to my stories of the past?
And understand the pain that can forever last?
Will you still find me beautiful and kind?
With wrinkles and laughter lines that I'll soon find?

Will you love me when I'm old and thin?
Will you tell me I'm loved so much?
Will you be the one to comfort me, so sweet?
When I can no longer dance or run,
Will you be beside me, until our time is done?

I pray that your love will last.
That you will stand by me until my final door.
That we will age gracefully, side by side,
And our love will grow deeper with each passing tide.

When my days are numbered and few
And my time on earth is nearly through
I'll look back and smile, grateful and so
For the love we've shared through ice and snow.
I know my youth will fade away,
Yet, my love for you will remain and stay.
So, my darling, I ask once more,
Will you love me when I'm old, forevermore?

© K. I. L.