

The Tree of Life
Only through wisdom and understanding
Will you receive your crowning radiance:
A different awareness & consciousness
That will definitely change your stance.

You may develop great power to influence
And have outpouring mercy as a mentor,
But if your heart has never touched beauty,
You cannot hope to ever find your centre.

To realise glory and victory in a tangible way
You must have an unyielding firm foundation
In your ablity to recognise there's been
A unique earthly kingdom of long duration.

The life force energy that keeps you erect
Is righteous and always open to expansion,
For a short time only a physical body is
Able to restrict the Great Spirit of Creation.

In the unfathomable depths of your core
The eternal quest is longing to unfold...
In finding balance and a state of equilibrium
Within you, the Life of God you will behold!

Indiana 2005
(For the preface of my book, "The Sleeping Giant Awakes", self published in 2007.)