

Silent Devotion
© Mohtasham Usmani In silence, my heart sings a gentle refrain,
A love so deep, a sweet, unspoken pain.
Her absence echoes in my longing heart,
Yet, in her presence, all worries depart.

Her beauty is a canvas, a sight to behold,
In her eyes, stories of wonder unfold.
Her voice, a melody that calms the night,
Her movements, a dance in the soft moonlight.

Though she may turn away, unaware or shy,
My love for her reaches beyond the sky.
Unconditional, pure, like a river it flows,
In her shadow, my devotion only grows.

In silent adoration, I watch from afar,
For she is my muse, my guiding star.
Whether she knows or chooses to flee,
My heart will forever hold her, tenderly.