

Jesus saves those who need to be saved
Book entitled
The humble saw heaven
Written by: Apostle Bonifácio

Title: Jesus saves those who need to be saved

Brethren,the friendly angel of the Lord appeared again and it said to me "Ele salva os que querem ser salvos" which means (He "Jesus" saves those who need to be saved) and I repeated the very same words several time.

I humbly bend my knees to Almighty God and to you my brethren,to apologise for I delivered what the angel revealed without greeting you,i hope the grace of God is embracing all of you since He cares about everyone.The peace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you all.

Today I am glad to thank the Almighty Father for the connection that I have with my angel,i wish He could strengthen this connection to the rest of my life.

What I heard is something which everyone knows and I am pretty sure that there's a sign which everyone does when they are down in order for them to be lifted up.

The Lord of life saves those who need to be saved,truly those who need the hand of the Lord they lift their hearts,while they call the name above all names "Jesus the Christ and Savior".

Jesus is awake 24/7 and He is not a racist that He receive the prayers of everyone who prays faithfully that you who truly need His hand shall bend your knees and call upon Him faithfully and He will stretch His hand and lift you up from the ground.Simply show the Lamb of God that you really need His hand and He will show you that He's the great Lord.

If someone gives you some clothes which you don't like please do not burn them for someone is in need of them,simply give them to someone else.

If the grace of God is not that much in your world please read the holy Bible carefully,and it will be easy for you to bend your knees and praise the Almighty Father for the little blessings you have for He just want us to surrender to Him for He's the God who does His things in His time.

The white garments which the Lord granted us,need to be clean always in order for Him to pay us a visit,remember that His visitation means salvation.

Son & the
Holy Spirit.Amen

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