

A Recurring Pattern
Team Blue protects its own
And whats wrong with that?
Loyalty is my third highest value
After my honesty and my integrity
But you know what
No one
Not one
From Team Blue
Has ever defend my charge
My biggest issue
With Charlie Brown Bidont
Which is his failure
To take Trump seriously
Not one
They either dont respond
Or they block me
Because the one thing
No one with Morals can defend
Is a man
Standing by
And risking it all
For an easier time
Which is what Old Man Biden is doing
Embracing fascist loving Republicans
So he doesnt have to embrace the left
He is doing as little as he can get away with
And still get what he wants
Which is a second term
And a term for his chosen political heir
And the best way to do that
Is keep a crazy psychopath party
As his enemy
So he is risking your future
And mine
And the whole god damn world
Because his is fucking lazy
And to defend that
Or Team Blue
Who also knows that
Is Absolutely

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