

Midnight dream [The Villanelle]
Nineteen Lines Total: A villanelle consists of 19 lines divided into five tercets (three-line stanzas) and a final quatrain (four-line stanza).

Rhyme Scheme: The rhyme scheme is ABA for the tercets and ABAA for the final quatrain.

Refrain Lines: The first and third lines of the first tercet are repeated alternately as the last lines of the subsequent tercets and then both are repeated as the last two lines of the final quatrain.


Midnight dream

In midnight’s grasp, the dreamer softly sighs,
The stars align in whispers, faint and clear,
In slumber’s depth, where hidden magic lies.

Through shadows deep, the moon begins to rise,
Its silver glow dispels the night’s dark fear,
In midnight’s grasp, the dreamer softly sighs.

In lands unknown, beneath the velvet skies,
The dreamer’s heart finds solace, drawing near,
In slumber’s depth, where hidden magic lies.

Through fleeting moments, dreams and thoughts arise,
A world of wonder, visions bright and dear,
In midnight’s grasp, the dreamer softly sighs.

The silent whispers, gentle lullabies,
Guide the wandering soul with tender care,
In slumber’s depth, where hidden magic lies.

As dawn approaches, with its soft surprise,
The dreamer wakes, the night’s enchantment clear,
In midnight’s grasp, the dreamer softly sighs,
In slumber’s depth, where hidden magic lies.


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