

For Palestine
The uncertainty of the night and day,
whether they would be alive or dead.
The tyrant is deaf to the language of peace,
like a colonist, greedy like a leech.

For once, these bullies were the oppressed ones,
yet they did forget, how they were welcomed,
by the very people on this land that they harassed,
for many decades ago and now, their homes they had amassed.

Remember, the diary of a young little girl, Anne Frank,
a victim of the Nazi Holocaust, please do look back.
Today the smile of those children, meets a similar fate,
In cold-blood, made to be shut forever with hate.

Silent prayers of hopefully hopeless men, women and children,
Waiting for God's mercy and heavenly peace to descend,
In the hope, to secure life-long peace for their posterity.
Knowing this occupation, it will show no pity to their family.

Tearing apart a family is what Hitler and his men justified,
Nay! We don't believe in such violence and all of his lies,
One thing Time and History can ever teach,
is, to teach mankind to never-ever repeat.

Don't be a hypocrite wherever you live in this world,
Human rights are not to be selective, that's the word,
Stand up for them as they stood up for the persecuted,
Remember the lines in the past of those settlers affected,
"The Germans destroyed our families - don’t destroy our hopes."
The rights of those today, who welcomed them, are now revoked.

Above the Sky, sits our Lord, the All-High.
Justice will prevail, we should never deny!
And God-willing, tomorrow, very soon, that day shall arrive.

#freepalestine #justice #alllivesmatter
© RKBasha