

Mother dearest

Breathe me in Mother dearest.
Let your serene Love and Breeze
carry me in your Bosom.
Blind my sight with your Glow
and deafen my hearing with your Music.
Adopt me as your daughter
and I'll protect what you bless me.
Let my heart be in sync with yours.
And like the Storm, I'll shake the pain
But with a sweet shower, I'll be healed.
Let the Sunshine after the storm,
smoothly caress my scars.
Teach me to tune into your music,
as I drum my fingers to your Harp,
And hum in gayness, Eyes closed,
Heart and Soul - Opened,
Swaying to your echoing music.
My feet in Tango with your song.
Mother dearest, I pray;
Embrace me in your bosom
And I'll be yours to eternity.

© _virhejuN