

Who Are We?
As though the door as closed
People hide in their lives
Acting trapped
Nothing is left but turmoil.

Strange days turn to strange nights
No relief from existence
Behind the mask of insecurities
That shame them.

As though they are dirt
They allow people to walk on them
Never pick themselves back up
To feel as though on two feet.

Guiding light seems to disappear
As they age into disparity
Like a black hole of death
Life seems like a seclusion.

No longer choices
Seem to be their own
Crowds take over their thoughts
Breath their breaths for them.

But the breaths are fake
Purity gone from each word
Projected from the world
From the ideas shoved in their head.

Release seems far away
And hollowness seems an eternity
As they waste away
Blowing into the wind like garbage.

Does anyone feel solid?
Feel as though they are real?
Or is life a mesh
Of people who are one.

People who have all conformed
And lived off of another
Allowing themselves to transform
Into a general blend.

Breathing the air of everyone else
That has melded into their peers
Been forced to think the same
And got lost in their own head?

Does anyone have a place in the world
To be who they are?
Or are we all lost?
Never to be found.