

Winona forever (Johnny's POV)
It's been years now
Thirty years in exact
Everything's changed
But my feelings for you hasn't

It's been a long time
Longer than normal
And every single minute
Reminds me of you leaving

Some might say it's childish
To hold on
For that long
They'll say it's immature
They don't know who I once was
If only they knew
They'll change their words

I've had girls
Dated many of them
I was desperate
To find you in someone else
But you weren't there
They're all different

Still got that tatoo
I smile when I remember
The shock of your face
When I got back
From the tatoo place
You didn't believe I'll go through that pain
To put your name
Where it'll stay
Permanent, forever
"Winona forever"

© ruthpharez