

You Do What You Want
I do what I want because I know my best interests have never been a thought in your mind.
Because no matter what I do to heal you are always there around the corner waiting for me.
Because I am trapped here by you and no matter what I do I will never be set free until the day YOU die. Not me, you.
Because when I was most vulnerable and needed you to protect me you weren't there and now I no longer need you.
Because you are angry with me when the only person you should be angry at is yourself and until you realise that I will be the one suffering.

I do what I want because I know my best interests have never been a thought in your mind.
Because I will always protect my daughter and I will never fail her the way you failed me.
Because when I do grow the courage to stand up to you that is when you will be the one to fall to yours knees and beg me for mercy.
Because I am strong and powerful and everything that I've been through has prepared me for this moment.
Because the court would find you guilty and the government would deem you not fit to be a mother.
Because the court would not find me guilty and the government would sincerely apologise for my pain and suffering.
Because you could never pull yourself together to stand up to me and say that I was YOUR fault and that YOU are sorry.
© Soph