

I wish I could die earlier
I wish I could die earlier,
To escape the burden of this world,
To find solace in eternal slumber.

Oh, how I long for release,
From the shackles of existence,
In the realm where pain cannot reach.

But alas, life's cruel grip holds tight,
As I wander through this weary night,
Searching for a glimpse of respite.

The weight of sorrow bears me down,
Each day a struggle, a relentless frown,
Yearning for a peace I have not found.

Yet, even in the depths of despair,
A flicker of hope lingers in the air,
Whispering softly, "Stay, endure, dare."

So I soldier on, though weary and worn,
Seeking the beauty that was once adorned,
In this broken world, so tattered and torn.

For there is strength in the midst of pain,
And lessons to learn from every strain,
In this bittersweet dance, we must sustain.

And though I may dream of an early demise,
I'll embrace each moment, with tear-stained eyes,
For life's worth is found in the lows and highs.

So, I'll endure, though the darkness may hover,
For in the depths, I shall discover,
The power of resilience, the strength to recover.

And perhaps, one day, I'll find my way,
To a place where sorrows will gently sway,
In the winds of time, as they gracefully fade away.
© Subhadarshi Hotta