

the power supply of depression...
loneliness has made me forgotten that I live...
all I know is that I exist...

It has made me believe in absolutely nothing...
for even hope is a word to me...
with just a sunrise....
everything went off track without notice...

for the world became an ocean to me...
I can only find myself
in the middle of an ocean...
where it's creatures
are even turning backs at me...

that was when
I felt I was a behind...
I lived with people
I thought were mine...

but little I knew
my blood differs from theirs...
that trace my routes...
and unveiled my history...

But how must I be at fault
of that history...
it speaks about a place
and people I do don't even know...
nor have heard off...

why so much pain
I'm aught to go through...
all because of my blood's connection with that history

you made me believed
I was one of you before then
so why difference today

and I know
no one is beyond acceptance...
you've left me with nothing...
but only loneliness at heart...

for whom should I
share a word with...
oh loneliness...
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