

Dear dad
Dear dad
your in heaven now
you are out of this place
god i miss you
more than anything
i just wanted to remind you of how much a hero you was to me
how much a soldier you was in your fight
how beautiful you was in your love and laughter courage and bravery
i will never stop loving or missing you just because i am expected to
no i will never do that .
i will move forwards and smile again
but my heart will forever miss every little thing about you
and you will always be my preciouse beautiful dad
thankyou for you forever dad
but most of all thankyou for reaching down from heaven
to nurture me still
showing me the gentle love in my
heart and soul were all my love lives within ...
i was numb
with you gone
but now i no you never ever left me
i am climbing again
to be the best version
of myself i can be
so thankyou dad
love your daughter ..

written by amanda ajobrien