

Hope In The Lord
In the depths of despair, when shadows loom,
And darkness engulfs, like an eternal tomb,
When all seems lost, with no glimmer in sight,
There shines a beacon, a radiant light.

Hope in the Lord, let your spirit arise,
For in His embrace, all worry dies.
Heaven's symphony, a melody of grace,
Guiding our steps in this earthly race.

In turbulent storms, when tempests rage,
And fears assail, with relentless stage,
With unwavering faith, we'll rise above,
For the Lord is our refuge, our shield, our love.

Hope in the Lord, with unwavering trust,
For in His wisdom, we're never unjust.
Through trials and tribulations, we'll endure,
For His promises are steadfast and pure.

When tears stain our cheeks, with sorrow profound,
And sorrow's echo resonates all around,
In His tender arms, we'll find solace and peace,
For His gentle touch brings all worries to cease.

Hope in the Lord, with hearts full of praise,
For in His presence, joy forever stays.
He lifts the burden, bears our every load,
In His embrace, we find rest on this road.

When doubts cloud our minds, and questions arise,
When answers elude us, as time swiftly flies,
In His perfect timing, truth shall prevail,
For His ways are higher, and never shall fail.

Hope in the Lord, with resolute hearts,
For His love, a balm that truly imparts,
Strength to the weary, and courage anew,
He's faithful and just, forever to pursue.

So, let our voices rise, in a chorus of hope,
In the Lord's embrace, we steadfastly cope.
For in Him, our refuge, our anchor, our guide,
Hope blooms eternal, in His love we abide.
© Christopher Obeng-Manu (Christborn)