

through a Higher Podium of Self-Concept
I have experienced
the devastation caused
by a low self image
that you are just
willing to settle for anything,
disgusting, yes it is-
being everyone's servant
losing self respect
broken promises is
a terrible common theme
so- building a better self concept is
the foundation of
the life you are to live,
the barometer of
every action and decision
to be taken
seeing, feeling, and
envisioning oneself
exalting who I am within
living that image
always acting in harmony with it
eventually raising
one's standards
causing personal quantum leaps

I am Asian and a Filipino
raised with an ultra low self image
never placed myself on such a high esteem
but- of course there is a but
I've been pulled back
dragged so far down
that if I simply let go
even I- don't know
how far the trajectory is gong to take me
so imma keep on
reading these books,
gathering information,
and let the image I have envisioned
possess my entirety
and this, I promise to myself
to continue walking this plane
carrying the highest authority
diminishing all unwanted self ideologies
a tremendous goodbye
to self sabotage
a return to innocence
zero point, purity of the source
ready to take on
a renewed powerful form

marvelling at this-
exceptional vantage point
seeing the whole world
through a higher podium
of self concept
where horizons are endless.

#poetrycommunity #self-help #philosophy #inspirational
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