

Invisible Threads
I'm wrapped in invisible threads,
Unseen, yet unbreakable bonds,
Connect me to where I belong,
My family, the threads so strong.

People see me, who I am today,
But can't see the invisible threads at play,
My mom, who gave me life and might,
An invisible thread, shining bright.

Invisible threads weave my fate,
My dad, who shouldered every weight,
Guiding me through life's uncertain state,
An invisible thread, forever great.

Invisible threads stand by my side,
My brother, steadfast, through trials' tide,
Together we weathered every storm,
Invisible threads, our love forever forms.

People see my strength, my stride,
But can't see the invisible threads inside,
Who lifted me, through every fall,
Invisible threads, supporting me through all.

Invisible threads, though unseen,
Are my backbone, my guiding beam,
With their support, I stand tall and strong,
Self-motivated, independent, all day long.

No one can see these threads so fine,
But their impact, forever divine,
They made me who I am today,
Eternal gratitude, I'll always convey.

Invisible threads, I acknowledge thee,
My family's love, forever a part of me.
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