

Out of his League
I knew there was something off about him, but I gave myself a chance to believe that he was different from any men. My friends usually describes me "I'm too harsh".

one day, he shared a story about her pretty female friend in college. He said " She want me to fuck her after she broke up with her ex. She likes me and I like her too because she's pretty ". I find it strange. It bothers me when he mentioned " she's pretty " . I am not insecure nor jealous. I am confident in my own skin. I felt something off about it.

one day, I asked him randomly " Does my face bothers you?"

" No, you are still a human. You are not an alien" He answered. He even looked at me twice while he was busy on his computer.

His answer was shallow. I felt an ache after hearing those words. All he did was state that " I am human" which felt like a cold and distant respnse. I thought he know me. We are friends yet this is all he can describe me ?I know I am human! I don't need him to describe me pretty or beautiful.

This realization makes me frustrated. I even trusted him because he was friend. I used to appreciate him before, but now I don't !

I am totally out of his league

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