

"The Shadow of the Soul"
In the dark corner of the heart,
where fear and frustration live,
The shadows whisper in the loneliness,
and sometimes they lead us into darkness.

The wounds of the past, like a cruel echo,
They weave decisions that are not always faithful.
Anger appears, sadness explodes,
and the lost soul seeks a battle.

Sometimes it's hunger for power or love,
an internal emptiness that screams in pain.
Envy appears, resentment flourishes,
and in an instant, goodness vanishes.

But in every act that hurts and that hurts,
There is a human being who also sustains himself.
A broken reflection of what was light,
Lost in the fog that was never crossed.

So let's remember that after every mistake,
There are hidden stories and a great clamor.
Why we hurt is a deep mystery,
but at the end of the road, we all search for a world.

A world where love can reign,
where shadows learn to heal.
Because in every heart there is a spark of good,
and perhaps with compassion, we can be reborn.

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