

A Windy Night
The wind is outside my window howling against it
Not a bird in the air, where do they actually go on days like these?
The rain is threatening to come crashing down
You can see it in the sky
The heavy grey and black look the clouds hold.
It wont be long now, I tell myself.

Watching people in the street running towards their homes
In a fast attempt to beat the rain
Those unluckily enough will find themselves cut short as the rain will pour
I’m glad to be sitting here typing away
As guaranteed I step a foot out there and the heavens will open

The trees are bowing backwards and forwards
It’s getting more aggressive looking
Could this be the start of a storm, maybe
I look at Willis the dog who’s tail is wagging at me
No way I tell him with a shake of my head

He lowers his and goes back in front of the fire
Snuggling himself up on the floor
I can’t deny how comfortable he does look
Laying there with the fire going behind him
A scene from a Christmas card.